Rahul Sudip Bose wrote:
Can newbies skip logging initially ?
Hey, how else can we tell you're newbies?
Log4j is pretty easy to use. You just plop down a jar in the classpath and create a log4.properties or log4j.xml file in the classpath root that defines what logfile(s) you're using - assuming you log to files - and what log IDs (usually that's the package name of the class where the log statement is).
JULI is even easier, since it's built right into the JRE and the config file is in the JRE lib directory.
Actual use is trivial. You have several different logging levels, running from DEBUG/FINEST to ERROR. A logger can be configured to report only messages at or above a selected level.
Log statements are as simple as replacing "System.out.println()" with "log.info()", although you do need a definition for "log" in your class. I have an
IDE hotkey set up for that since I do it so often.