Author/s : Ken Howard, Barry Rogers
Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional
Category :
Project Management, Process and Best Practices
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 7 horseshoes
"Individuals and Interaction - An Agile Culture" is like two short books in one. The first half is basically a business book with a little about agile. The major parts are DISC personality profiles, how they affect team dynamics, how people react to change, etc. There were some references to agile, but agile serves more as a backdrop/story since the major points apply in general. The second half is a facilitator's guide to communication/teambuilding exercises.
The book was easy to read and has good points. I was worried when the introduction had the last paragraph repeat twice, but the rest of the book was solid.
Even though the facilitator's guide part of the book doesn't apply to everyone, it is worth buying the book for the first part alone. The agile backdrop is a nice way to keep techie's attention through a soft skills book. That said, given the choice, I'd probably buy a book that focused on the communication techniques throughout the whole book.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in
exchange for writing this review on behalf of CodeRanch.
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