I am designing some sample project which should connect to database, and get data and display it in
jsp using JSTL.It is working well The worst part is to edit,view,delete (fields at end of each row) they are links and i have to send it to
servlet and get data for particular field and display back in jsp(MVC Archetecture).
Please help me to Redirect the link to Servlet
It display like
Empnumber First Name Last Name Gender Age Address Options
1 Ramya Swati FeMale 26 somelocationl Edit Add Delete
2 Raj Kumar Male 23 somelocationl Edit Add Delete
3 Kalpana Fe Male 25 somelocationl Edit Add Delete
4 Raja Pintu Male 19 somelocationl Edit Add Delete
When i click the link it should redirect to servlet and get data of the row from servlet and display it in JSP