posted 13 years ago
Yes and no.
JMS is just a specification underneath which you need a transport provider. WMQ is one of many implementations of a JMS transport and in that sense it offers exactly the same functionality as s simple JMS queue (or topic).
But at the same time, WebSphere MQ offers considerable functionality that is not specific to JMS. For example, WebSphere MQ has the concept of a "retained publication." This functionality retained the last message to be published on a given topic so that newly subscribed applications do not need to wait for subsequent publications. There are many other examples of how WMQ provides a superset of JMS functionality but I don't want to stray too far off topic for this forum.
But the short answer is that yes, WMQ does offer different functionality than a simple JMS queue should you choose to use it. If you need some of the WMQ-native functionality and this does not violate a business requirement regarding JMS compatibility then by all means use it. If your requirement is for a JMS-compliant transport make sure to stick with the JMS API and functionality in which case you can treat WMQ as if it were a simple JMS queue.