Hi to everybody:
The last few days I have been trying to solve the following problem but still I don't know what is hapenning.
I have a ManagedBean (RequestScoped) which has a method returning a
String (the name of a navigation page). This bean has a method that opens a Hibernate Session, create a simply org.hibernate.Query "from Customer" and save the result in a List<Customer> customers and finally close the Session.
The first time the application begins it retrieves the data from a MySQL table and show it in the view and everything is OK. Nervertheless when I change data directly in the database and execute the method my view doesn't reflect the changes and I don't see why, because my method every time Open the Hibernate Session, clean the List and execute the Query once again, save the result en the List and close the Session.
In the view I use a datatable.
If I redeploy my application it refreshes the data the first time but it never does it again.
Please, could you tell me what could be the problem? The browser cache (Firefox 3.69)? The Scope of the Bean? Hibernate Configuration? o ...?
Tools: Netbeans 6.9.1,
Tomcat 6.0, Hibernate3.5, primefaces 2.2.1.
Thanks in advanced for your help.