I am trying to set the value of a bean property using
This below code i am hardcoding the value as resourceABC into resourceId property of mybean. This working fine.
<jsp:useBean id="mybean" class="com.abc.xyz">
<jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="resourceId"
value="resourceABC" />
But when try to read the value from a property file using the struts-bean tags, and i want to set that particular value into resourceId property of mybean.
This is code :
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<jsp:useBean id="mybean" class="com.abc.xyz">
<jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="resourceId"
value=" <bean:message key="abc.xyz"/> " />
I am getting the error as " Attribute abc.xyz is unrecognised for jsp element jsp:setProperty " .