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stateful session bean state

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
1) As in stateful session bean, ejb server maintain the state of bean for each client?
My question here is does server keep some variable like clientid(or soma other name) for each instance?

2)can we create the pool of specific bean when app server starts?
+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Yes, the SFSB lets you to keep the conversational state, so it means that each client will get exactly one instance for his own purpose.

I'm not sure how the container maps the SFSB for user, but I guess that it's not defined in the specification but left for the vendor to implement his own mechanism. Once again - this is my guess and doesn't have be true.
You, as a bean provider, should not be concerned about how the container maps SFSB to users. You should rather just know that it does map SFSB to user.

As for the rest of your question (pool for specific bean when app server starts) - I also doubt that this is written in the specification. I would rather say that some vendors can implement such feature but doesn't have to. I would advice you to consult your EJB container vendor's documentation.

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