Hi All
I am currently working on a web application using
I have completed the login module where in the user gets authenticated using LDAP & I am currently showing a default simple page.
Now what I want to acheive is a user specific page. I dont have much experience with session management. I want to show a user specific page something like welcome userA & to fetch some data from the database & display it on the page. What should I be doing after the user successfully logs in. I have a few such user specific pages to show once the user logs in. What should I do to maintain & push the session so i can get the user credentials on every such page.
This page should also have a logout option. Should i be having the logout option as a plain link (which invalidates the session) or should i check for the existence of the user in session before displaying the Logout link.
Also this user specific page should not be allowed to be accessed directly via a link (i.e. plain URL ). The page should be accessible only if the user has successfully logged in. How can I implement this check
I reckon these questions seem to be very basic questions related to interactive web site management.
Appreciate all your help