SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Jari Timonen sayed:
Failed although enough points
Youssef Ben Kaddour El Wazzani wrote:Hi Jari,
Sorry to hear that, but i'm afread i didn't understand what did you mean !
Jari Timonen sayed:
Failed although enough points
Have you received a scoring email marked as "failed" even if you got >= 114 points ?
Good luck,
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Krzysztof Koziol wrote:Did they provide any info which sections were scored low and need to be improved?
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
will myers wrote:Have they changed the scoring system so you need to get above a certain number of points in each section?
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Jari Timonen wrote:While waiting for email, i'm not going to waste time. Even if i pass. I really wan't to know what went bonkers.
Accessor: Assessment : Marks lost in the three major UML diagrams (class, component and deployment) due to an incomplete representation of the business problem coupled with an inadequate level of detail. The candidate is also encouraged to revisit the mitigations proposed for the top three risks and to add more detail on exactly how each mitigation will be implemented and how it will adequately resolve the risk identified.
Factory Homes
Class Diagram: No JSP's, used composite pattern in domain model (16 classes + domain model), did not show any interfaces,
Component: presentation, managed beans, session beans, DAO's + web services.
Deployment: This was the reason i failed. Got really bad scores. firewall, load balancer (also between IMS/3D modelling tool), two nodes. Also used cloud computing.. this might been big mistake.
Please delete this post if too detailed information..
ps. yes, I did read Cades book.
Vignesh Murali N
SCJP(95%), SCWCD(92%), SCBCD(97%), SCDJWS(97%), SCBCD5(100%), OCMJEA
Ashutosh Sharma
SCJP 1.2, SCEA 5, Brainbench certified J2EE Developer, Documentum Certified Professional
Blog :
Sharma Ashutosh wrote:I appreciate your honesty that you are sharing this experience.
What i am failed to understand that have you really failed?
How much marks you got? Do you need to pass individual sections or overall 114 marks?
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Here are my points (117/160):
Questions (24 maximum) ................................. 24
Class Diagram (40 maximum) .......................... 27
Component Diagram (40 maximum) .................. 30
Deployment Diagram (24 maximum) .................. 9
Interaction Diagrams (16 maximum) ................. 16
Technical Risks (16 maximum) ......................... 11
Ashutosh Sharma
SCJP 1.2, SCEA 5, Brainbench certified J2EE Developer, Documentum Certified Professional
Blog :
Sharma Ashutosh wrote:
Here are my points (117/160):
Questions (24 maximum) ................................. 24
Class Diagram (40 maximum) .......................... 27
Component Diagram (40 maximum) .................. 30
Deployment Diagram (24 maximum) .................. 9
Interaction Diagrams (16 maximum) ................. 16
Technical Risks (16 maximum) ......................... 11
Class diagrams, deployment diagram and technical risks needs to be re-submitted.
As your interaction diagrams is a pass candidate-you don't have to work on the public methods.
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Ashutosh Sharma
SCJP 1.2, SCEA 5, Brainbench certified J2EE Developer, Documentum Certified Professional
Blog :
Sharma Ashutosh wrote:Well i can't point you to the exact link. But it's quite obvious for me at least-you just don't have to score overall passing marks but have to pass individual sections.
Just like Bachelor's of Engineering degree-someone might be scoring 75% overall but failing in one of the semesters due to one of the subjects-degree is not awarded in all such cases.
May be you can ask the OCP team for the link.
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
when you really want something, all the universe always conspires in your favour.<br /> <br />SCJP1.5-77%<br />SCWCD-89%
If you look at the Marking section, it is clearly mentioned that we have to pass every sections and below they have also given how much we have to score to pass each section. To pass deploment section one should score 17 out of 24, so this is where you have failed
The marking for this assignment is described below. You will receive a single score for parts 2 and 3 of the exam.
Below are the sections of the assignment and points available per section. Minimum score to pass the exam is 114. We will only post a pass or fail. If you fail, we will let you know which sections need improvement so you do not have to focus on all sections with your re-submission.
Component Diagram = 40
Class Diagram = 40
Deployment Diagram = 24
Interaction Diagrams = 16
Risk & Mitigation List = 16
Part 3 Short Answer = 24
Total = 160
will myers wrote:
If you look at the Marking section, it is clearly mentioned that we have to pass every sections and below they have also given how much we have to score to pass each section. To pass deploment section one should score 17 out of 24, so this is where you have failed
No they don't. In Factory Homes it says this:
The marking for this assignment is described below. You will receive a single score for parts 2 and 3 of the exam.
Below are the sections of the assignment and points available per section. Minimum score to pass the exam is 114. We will only post a pass or fail. If you fail, we will let you know which sections need improvement so you do not have to focus on all sections with your re-submission.
Component Diagram = 40
Class Diagram = 40
Deployment Diagram = 24
Interaction Diagrams = 16
Risk & Mitigation List = 16
Part 3 Short Answer = 24
Total = 160
I beleive the new assignments are different though.
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
will myers wrote:I currently have my assignment in grading and it is also Factory Homes....this thread is making me worried
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Jari Timonen wrote:Class diagram: Added JSP's, remote interfaces for session beans, Added more detail to one pattern
Component: Split JSP's and Managed Bean to more detailed.
Deployment: Remove backend Load Balancer, add hot stand by, remove cloud
How do you guys think?
Nilessh Ganu wrote:
Jari Timonen wrote:Class diagram: Added JSP's, remote interfaces for session beans, Added more detail to one pattern
Component: Split JSP's and Managed Bean to more detailed.
Deployment: Remove backend Load Balancer, add hot stand by, remove cloud
How do you guys think?
Though I have not cleared the Part 2 exam yet, I feel:
Component Diagram changes look good as it is better to show jsps and Managed beans in separate boxes.
What do you mean by Added remote interfaces for session bean ? Do you mean you added required methods/apis to beans that were missing previously ?
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Luay Abdulraheem wrote:In Component diagram, did you use Cade's <<uses>> strategy , or Required/Provided Interface strategy ?
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Jari Timonen wrote:While waiting for email, i'm not going to waste time. Even if i pass. I really wan't to know what went bonkers.
Questions (24 maximum) ................ 24 ....... 100 %
Class Diagram (40 maximum) ............ 27 ....... 67,5 %
Component Diagram (40 maximum) ........ 30 ....... 75 %
Deployment Diagram (24 maximum) ....... 9 ....... 37,5 %
Interaction Diagrams (16 maximum) ..... 16 ....... 100 %
Technical Risks (16 maximum) .......... 11 ....... 68,75%
Dear Jari,
We are sorry for the confusion.
We are checking on this with our assessors and revert you in 3-4 working days time.
OCP Team
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
balaji sengeni wrote:FYI: below is my friend's part 2 - assignment marking description (points available per section with a minimum score per section if it is a required section to pass)
Minimum score to pass the exam - 114 (tentatively set)
---- ---- ---- ---- Points ---- Minimum Pass
Component Diagram ---- 40 ---- 26
Class Diagram ---- 40 ---- 26
Deployment Diagram ---- 24 ---- 17
Interaction Diagrams ---- 16 ---- 0
Risk & Migration List ---- 16 ---- 0
Part 3 Short Answer ---- 24 ---- 17
Total 160
My friend downloaded the assignment last week and the above description is mentioned in that.
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
The passing scores provided on the Oracle Certification Program website are for informational purposes only. Oracle does not recommend an exam preparation strategy targeting the passing score, because passing scores are subject to change without notice.
In the "Scoring Policy" founded in the Oracle Guidelines page, we can see:
The passing scores provided on the Oracle Certification Program website are for informational purposes only. Oracle does not recommend an exam preparation strategy targeting the passing score, because passing scores are subject to change without notice.
SCEA 5 certified
lease note if a person fails any of the required sections Component, Class, Deployment or Question, then it is an automatic failure regardless of the final score.
Points Minimum Pass Score Received
Component Diagram 40 26 30
Class Diagram 40 26 27
Deployment Diagram 24 17 9 (failed required section)
Interaction Diagrams 16 0 16
Risk & Mitigation List 16 0 11
Part 3 Short Answer 24 17 24
As per the assessor's comments you have failed required section on Deployment Diagram.
We appreciate your understanding on this.
OCP Team
SCJP 5.0, SCJD URLyBird 1.3.3, OCMJEA 5 (SCEA) Factory Homes
Seriously Rick? Seriously? You might as well just read this tiny ad:
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