Ulf Dittmer wrote:I disagree pretty much completely with what Mark said. To the contrary, Apple has already stated that they WILL stop integrating Java into OS X, and leave that to the OpenJDK project.
This time around things are quite different; Apple has announced that they will stop developing Java for OS X, and in which shape and form it will be part of Lion is -to my knowledge- still up in the air. They have donated large chunks of it (not all of it) to the OpenJDK project; whether that will be ready in time for Lion, and if so, ship with Lion, or whether the current Apple Java will still be part of it, I have yet to hear a definite word about.
I assume that *some* usable Java implementation will be available for Lion, but I think for most of David's question the answers are far from clear at this point.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:Well, saying "I doubt that will happen" (which is pretty much what I said, too) is rather different from saying "Apple never ever stops integrating Java into their OSs".
Christopher Laurenzano wrote: My question is this: If OS X Lion doesn't have the JDK with it.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:Now we know for sure: it's available from day 1 as a separate download.
"We're kind of on the level of crossword puzzle writers... And no one ever goes to them and gives them an award." ~Joe Strummer
marc weber wrote:That's the JRE. For a JDK on Lion, we'll need OpenJDK, right?
Christopher Laurenzano wrote:I'm guessing if Apple is offering the SE version 6 for OS X Lion it's the same thing. But I'm not an expert, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
Bear Bibeault wrote:I'd almost consider it "included". One of my startup programs needed it, so it was only one click away.
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