Chun Chu wrote:
Question 1: Do you need to know the basics of C++0x in order to understand and learn from the material written in the book?
No. Though some of the new C++0x features are used in the book, they are explained when used, and there is an appendix covering them in more depth.
Chun Chu wrote:
Looking at some C++0x features, it said that a new std::thread is introduced. I am assuming that this book will cover std::thread in depth.
Yes, it will.
Chun Chu wrote:
Question 2: Is there any comparison discussed in the book regarding with the pros and cons between the new std::thread and existing threading framework such as pthread, ACE thread and boost thread?
There is a comparison chart between C++0x concurrency facilities and other threading frameworks in the appendix. I think all new C++ code should use the C++0x concurrency facilities unless there is a strong reason not to (such as lack of availability on one of your target platforms).
Chun Chu wrote:
Question 3: Is the new std::thread platform-independent?
Yes, that is the point of it being standard --- it will work on any standard-conforming compiler and library. GCC is currently the only compiler I am aware of that ships with std::thread support out of the box (though that support is currently incomplete), but my just::thread library provides the full facilities for GCC (on Linux, MacOSX and Windows) and MSVC.