OK, maybe I'm oversharing, but I want to be thorough. Note I asked this question a different way using very different code.
Here's my
jsp file - myq.jsp
Here's displayCollection.tag used by that jsp:
Here's the
java class IrCollection (used as a bean in the tag):
and here's the InquireRecord java class used by IrCollection:
The JSP does this: set the mgr variable, which is passes to the tag, the tag then creates an instance of IrCollection using that mgr variable. (Yes, putting that populateCollection() method call in the setMgrid() method is probably Bad Practice, but it works, usually). The IrCollection objects builds an ArrayList of InquireCollection objects from an Access database. It then sets it's size property based on how many InquireCollection instances it put into the ArrayList. Once that's all done, the tag spits out 2 things: The size property and the mgrid property.
When I view the JSP, it gives me 0 for the size and Chris Novish for the mgrid.
I think this could be one of the following:
Not finding any matching records of the databaseNot actually executing the populateCollection() methodsome how forgetting the information it put into that ArrayList?
I"m sure there's another possibility, but I don't know.
Here's what gets me. Here's a
test class I made called TestCollection:
if I run that I get a size of 4 and a mgrid of Chris Novish.
Same data in, and it works as expected.
So... why won't JSP do it?