I have a curious problem concerning the workflow of my page.
First of all the relevant snippets:
I guess that should be already enough.
The problem is the following:
If I call the start page (index.jsp) the first time using the URL
http://localhost:8080/OEZ/ I see two conspicuous things.
1. the image oez_head_900_text.png is visible (as it should :-) )
2. Checking the html source code the form tag looks like this: <form id="do_login" method="post"
action="do_login" name="do_login">
If I click now on the login button no Action is involved but I am redirected to
http://localhost:8080/OEZ/flow/start.action. So the login procedure does not take place as expected.
Now the 2 conspicuous things look like this:
1. the image is not displayed anymore (don't know if this fact is relevant for the actual problem?!)
2. the form tag looks like this now: <form id="do_login" method="post"
action="/OEZ/flow/do_login.action" name="do_login">
If I click now on the login button the login procedure works as expected.
So my main question is:
Why does the login not work when clicking the login button the first time?
I guess that is has something to do with my package definition within the struts.xml, but I don't see what is wrong here.
Anyway, I am wondering why I not immediatly redirected to .../flow/start.action when I call the page for the first time. Shouldn't the default-package definition do this for every request not specifiying a concrete namespace?
struts pro how can help me? :-)