Hi friends, how are you all, hope every one is hale and healthy. I have few doubts, which i never cleared.
I am always confused about method parameters. I am not confident of anything about
java i know, i know lot of java, but never practiced much. I want to clearly know these things
1. when should i pass parameters to methods.
2. how many parameters should i pass.
3. How do i determine, how many to pass.
4.how to create an object with constructors without using new.
I know how to write a class, how to create objects using 'new'. how to call methods, i know what are class variables, instance variables, how to call them, when to call, where to call.
but i get confused with passing parameters because, i just do not understand. I am stuck like anything. How much ever i try to move forward, i am not able to get sense of learning, because of this parameter thing.
shower some light on my head, and explain me. I googled, i read few books, everything done, nothing goes inside my mind, became saturated. I hate method parameters. I can write many methods with out parameters. But i can not stay at that level, i want to learn more and understand more.
Please for God sake explain me very breiefly about this parameter irritation.