Hello All
I have following snippets of my struts-config.xml file
and the
jsp file which is using html:link tag
<action path="/QGPARAMETERS"
<forward name="success" path="QG_PARAMETERS_TILE"/>
<forward name="qgParametersChanged" path="HOMEPAGE_TILE"/>
<forward name="forwardName" path="/some.jsp"/>
<html:form action="/QGPARAMETERS">
<table border=0 width="100%">
<td class="leftnav-primary" width = "75%">
<html:link forward="symantecExpress" >
<font size='2' color = 'black'> Express</font>
<html:link forward="forwardName">
<font size='2' color = 'black'>Government</font>
<html:link forward="forwardName">
<font size='2' color = 'black'>Academic</font>
<html:link forward="forwardName">
<font size='2' color = 'black'>Rewards</font>
but I am gretting Cannot retrieve ActionForward named forwardName' Error
If anyone has idea on what could be going wrong and can share that will be of great help
Thanks in advance
:roll: :roll: