posted 18 years ago
Please help me in this issue.
I have the following problem.
Am able to search a person by giving his first name and display the search result
But am not able to display multiple results.
For eg if two persons are having same same first name like Merril and Merril john
Am not getting multiple results for that
Am getting result as Merril John itself twice
How to get Merril and Merril John displayed in the same search results
Search Member Action
Search Member Data
<logic:iterate id="memberinfo" name="Member" scope="request">
<tr height=20px bgcolor=#FFFFFF>
<td align=left class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="firstName"/></td>
<td align=left class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="lastName"/></td>
<td align=left class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="employeeID"/></td>
<td align=center class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="emailID"/></td>
<td align=center class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="vnet"/></td>
<td align=left class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="extension"/></td>
<td align=left class=tdBorderRightBottom><bean:write name="memberinfo" property="mobileNumber"/></td>
</logic:iterate >