@ Ernest Friedman-Hill
For me it is hard to think about stoned or drunken musitians and about programming in the same time. From what You have written here, that means that You have an opinion on that from the first hand. When You implied Your self allready, I can tell that I don't like that language. I don't like language in which is said that someone else *thought* that playing stoned or drunken is better, becouase that sounds like "They thought they were cool", or basically what it seems to me that You've stated is that You don't like that idea that "being drunken and stoned is cool", but You haven't said it simply like that, what You've said is that You were "there" and basically, what You have written here points that You know something about something that it maybe is even illegal, and simply, till what measure did You just implied Your self as a part of something illegal while trying just to say that being drunken and stoned is not cool? I cant take this as a sober and mature attitude. Did those people who You are talking about searched for help, did they died, did You helped them? What happened? Did You called the police? About what are You talking about? Simply the thing is too much seriouse to be able to talk like that about it. If You wanted to say that being stoned and drunken is not cool, much more uncool is to have such an attitude about people who get drunken and stoned. Question is "Do You care?". There are many ways to help people. Maybe You do care, I don't know. But I am assuming that Your job is not working with drug addicts nor with drunken people. I have worked on the documentary about the places where the drug addicts get cured and I know all there is to know about it in my country. That thing is so sad, and it is not nice how You are speaking about so sad thing.
I think that in Your language this is called "squared", but I like "squared", that's why I am sorry, if the right
word is "squared" that this was not squared enough. This was just easy. I simply don't like to talk about it like this. I can't even find a morale in it.
@Paul and Pat
Thanks. I'm all right with all except with patronising, directing, etc., unless I have to be all right with that also.
@Bert Bates
What You have written here sounds like similar to writing books, like if You don't have to compile, it is similar like writing books.
Thank You a lot.
@Henry Wong
I do things like this.
I am constantly checking with println here and there, then erasing that line and continuing. I don't like that I do that. NullPointerException is my only friend.
Recently I gave up on trying to make anything that doesn't let it self to be made immediatelly. I just don't have any more time and I am passed some point so now I know that if I continue skipping over something that later it will be clear to me what to do, with more gathered experience, and in the same time I don't have to stop on one line for a week. Now I got that feeling about that. I remember that I used to have exactely that feeling about the dynamics of how I am developing my self and calculating with it.
I think that I am suppose to be able to make an application on such a way to construct model of application and then put in with adapters or something the real classes, but I simply can't make it right. It annoys me that I can't do that. Like, if I don't know how something really looks a like, I have a good idea how it is supposed to look a like, so I should be able to leave space for it and make all the things around, but I can't.
I also do a lot of copy paste but in a way that with that I am avoiding to make things more tight, I have unneceasary code all over my app, but I don't mind that. I will come back for that. I also leave as much as I can old code that I replaced with anything new, I just put it in comments. I like it to sit there. Lots of times I let the lines of the code to be exactely as how I writted it, a little bit less logical but showing the exact steps I made and how I have thinked about it, so I can see what I was thinking, and how.
I am constantly leaving out moments where I could program more bravely, making constructions that I have clear in my mind. That's maybe the most critical thing. Also, I find OO programming very powerfull, and one piece of the problem that I don't do it more bravely is that I don't explore what I could do. There is so many things that I could do with factories and designs.
This all fits so well, for me, into the subject of "how many lines of code You can write without testing". Like, if I have some more brave idea, can I write it in one run, or I have to write piece by piece, becaouse the best effect what I could do is to write it at once and then see what I got.