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used lucene?

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please tell me about the lucene application, i got a task to build inverted index, may use lucene...

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Lucene is not an application - it's a library that can be used to index and search bodies of text. If you've never used Lucene, head over to http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_3_0/ and read some of the introductory material (particularly the Getting Started, FAQ, and Query Syntax pages); that should get you started.
The OtherOpenSourceProjectsFaq also points to some introductory articles.
Ranch Hand
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hope this helps.
vita sari utami
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Jon Camilleri wrote:hope this helps.

Tutorial created using: Windows XP || JDK 1.5.0_09 || Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 (Eclipse 3.3.0)

how, if i use windows 7, jdk 1.6.0 and eclipse not 3.3.0 ??
what can i follow the tutorial ?

ohya, i have any problem with my code to build a inverted index, can you help me sir ?
Ulf Dittmer
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Neither the Windows version, nor the JDK version matter. It's all about Java code, for which you don't even need an IDE. Have you encountered any problems with your setup while working through the tutorial?
vita sari utami
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Ulf Dittmer wrote:Neither the Windows version, nor the JDK version matter. It's all about Java code, for which you don't even need an IDE. Have you encountered any problems with your setup while working through the tutorial?

Ulf Dittmer wrote:Neither the Windows version, nor the JDK version matter. It's all about Java code, for which you don't even need an IDE. Have you encountered any problems with your setup while working through the tutorial?

there are my code, and errors occurence.. please give me a resolve for them..

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

import ir.utilities.*;
import ir.classifiers.*;

* An inverted index for vector-space information retrieval. Contains
* methods for creating an inverted index from a set of documents
* and retrieving ranked matches to queries using standard TF/IDF
* weighting and cosine similarity.
* @author Vita
public class InvertedIndexVita {

* The maximum number of retrieved documents for a query to present to the user
* at a time
public static final int MAX_RETRIEVALS = 10;

* A HashMap where tokens are indexed. Each indexed token maps
* to a TokenInfo.
public Map<String, TokenInfo> tokenHash = null;

* A list of all indexed documents. Elements are DocumentReference's.
public List<DocumentReference> docRefs = null;

* The directory from which the indexed documents come.
public File dirFile = null;

* The type of Documents (text, HTML). See docType in DocumentIterator.
public short docType = DocumentIterator.TYPE_TEXT;

* Whether tokens should be stemmed with Porter stemmer
public boolean stem = false;

* Whether relevance feedback using the Ide_regular algorithm is used
public boolean feedback = false;

* Create an inverted index of the documents in a directory.
* @param dirFile The directory of files to index.
* @param docType The type of documents to index (See docType in DocumentIterator)
* @param stem Whether tokens should be stemmed with Porter stemmer.
* @param feedback Whether relevance feedback should be used.
public InvertedIndexVita(File dirFile, short docType, boolean stem, boolean feedback) {
this.dirFile = dirFile;
this.docType = docType;
this.stem = stem;
this.feedback = feedback;
tokenHash = new HashMap<String, TokenInfo>();
docRefs = new ArrayList<DocumentReference>();

* Create an inverted index of the documents in a List of Example objects of documents
* for text categorization.
* @param examples A List containing the Example objects for text categorization to index
public InvertedIndexVita(List<Example> examples) {
tokenHash = new HashMap<String, TokenInfo>();
docRefs = new ArrayList<DocumentReference>();

* Index the documents in dirFile.
protected void indexDocuments() {
if (!tokenHash.isEmpty() || !docRefs.isEmpty()) {
// Currently can only index one set of documents when an index is created
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot indexDocuments more than once in the same InvertedIndex");
// Get an iterator for the documents
DocumentIterator docIter = new DocumentIterator(dirFile, docType, stem);
System.out.println("Indexing documents in " + dirFile);
// Loop, processing each of the documents

while (docIter.hasMoreDocuments()) {
FileDocument doc = docIter.nextDocument();
// Create a document vector for this document
System.out.print(doc.file.getName() + ",");
HashMapVector vector = doc.hashMapVector();
indexDocument(doc, vector);
// Now that all documents have been processed, we can calculate the IDF weights for
// all tokens and the resulting lengths of all weighted document vectors.
System.out.println("\nIndexed " + docRefs.size() + " documents with " + size() + " unique terms.");

* Index the documents in the List of Examples for text categorization.
public void indexDocuments(List<Example> examples) {
if (!tokenHash.isEmpty() || !docRefs.isEmpty()) {
// Currently can only index one set of documents when an index is created
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot indexDocuments more than once in the same InvertedIndex");
// Loop, processing each of the examples
for (Example example : examples) {
FileDocument doc = example.getDocument();
// Create a document vector for this document
HashMapVector vector = example.getHashMapVector();
indexDocument(doc, vector);
// Now that all documents have been processed, we can calculate the IDF weights for
// all tokens and the resulting lengths of all weighted document vectors.
System.out.println("Indexed " + docRefs.size() + " documents with " + size() + " unique terms.");

* Index the given document using its corresponding vector
protected void indexDocument(FileDocument doc, HashMapVector vector) {
// Create a reference to this document
DocumentReference docRef = new DocumentReference(doc);
// Add this document to the list of documents indexed
// Iterate through each of the tokens in the document
for (Map.Entry<String, Weight> entry : vector.entrySet()) {
// An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight
String token = entry.getKey();
// The count for the token is in the value of the Weight
int count = (int) entry.getValue().getValue();
// Add an occurrence of this token to the inverted index pointing to this document
indexToken(token, count, docRef);

* Add a token occurrence to the index.
* @param token The token to index.
* @param count The number of times it occurs in the document.
* @param docRef A reference to the Document it occurs in.
protected void indexToken(String token, int count, DocumentReference docRef) {
// Find this token in the index
TokenInfo tokenInfo = tokenHash.get(token);
if (tokenInfo == null) {
// If this is a new token, create info for it to put in the hashtable
tokenInfo = new TokenInfo();
tokenHash.put(token, tokenInfo);
// Add a new occurrence for this token to its info
tokenInfo.occList.add(new TokenOccurrence(docRef, count));

* Compute the IDF factor for every token in the index and the length
* of the document vector for every document referenced in the index.
protected void computeIDFandDocumentLengths() {
// Let N be the total number of documents indexed
double N = docRefs.size();
// Iterate through each of the tokens in the index
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, TokenInfo>> mapEntries = tokenHash.entrySet().iterator();
while (mapEntries.hasNext()) {
// Get the token and the tokenInfo for each entry in the HashMap
Map.Entry<String, TokenInfo> entry = mapEntries.next();

TokenInfo tokenInfo = entry.getValue();
// Get the total number of documents in which this token occurs
double numDocRefs = tokenInfo.occList.size();
// Calculate the IDF factor for this token
double idf = Math.log(N / numDocRefs);
// System.out.println(token + " occurs in " + Math.round(numDocRefs) + " docs so IDF=" + idf);
if (idf == 0.0)
// If IDF is 0, then just remove this inconsequential token from the index
else {
tokenInfo.idf = idf;
// In order to compute document vector lengths, sum the
// square of the weights (IDF * occurrence count) across
// every token occurrence for each document and store sum in docRef.length.
for (TokenOccurrence occ : tokenInfo.occList) {
occ.docRef.length = occ.docRef.length + Math.pow(idf * occ.count, 2);
// At this point, every document length should be the sum of the squares of
// its token weights. In order to calculate final lengths, just need to
// set the length of every document reference to the square-root of this sum.
for (DocumentReference docRef : docRefs) {
docRef.length = Math.sqrt(docRef.length);

* Print out an inverted index by listing each token and the documents it occurs in.
* Include info on IDF factors, occurrence counts, and document vector lengths.
public void print() {
// Iterate through each token in the index
for (Map.Entry<String, TokenInfo> entry : tokenHash.entrySet()) {
String token = entry.getKey();
// Print the token and its IDF factor
System.out.println(token + " (IDF=" + entry.getValue().idf + ") occurs in:");
// For each document referenced, print its name, occurrence count for this token, and
// document vector length (|D|).
for (TokenOccurrence occ : entry.getValue().occList) {
System.out.println(" " + occ.docRef.file.getName() + " " + occ.count +
" times; |D|=" + occ.docRef.length);

* Return the number of tokens indexed.
public int size() {
return tokenHash.size();

* Clear all documents from the inverted index
public void clear() {

* Perform ranked retrieval on this input query.
public Retrieval[] retrieve(String input) {
return retrieve(new TextStringDocument(input, stem));

* Perform ranked retrieval on this input query Document.
public Retrieval[] retrieve(Document doc) {
return retrieve(doc.hashMapVector());

* Perform ranked retrieval on this input query Document vector.
public Retrieval[] retrieve(HashMapVector vector) {
// Create a hashtable to store the retrieved documents. Keys
// are docRefs and values are DoubleValues which indicate the
// partial score accumulated for this document so far.
// As each token in the query is processed, each document
// it indexes is added to this hashtable and its retrieval
// score (similarity to the query) is appropriately updated.
Map<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> retrievalHash =
new HashMap<DocumentReference, DoubleValue>();
// Initialize a variable to store the length of the query vector
double queryLength = 0.0;
// Iterate through each token in the query input Document
for (Map.Entry<String, Weight> entry : vector.entrySet()) {
String token = entry.getKey();
double count = entry.getValue().getValue();
// Determine the score added to the similarity of each document
// indexed under this token and update the length of the
// query vector with the square of the weight for this token.
queryLength = queryLength + incorporateToken(token, count, retrievalHash);
// Finalize the length of the query vector by taking the square-root of the
// final sum of squares of its token weights.
queryLength = Math.sqrt(queryLength);
// Make an array to store the final ranked Retrievals.
Retrieval[] retrievals = new Retrieval[retrievalHash.size()];
// Iterate through each of the retrieved documents stored in
// the final retrievalHash.
int retrievalCount = 0;
for (Map.Entry<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> entry : retrievalHash.entrySet()) {
DocumentReference docRef = entry.getKey();
double score = entry.getValue().value;
retrievals[retrievalCount++] = getRetrieval(queryLength, docRef, score);
// Sort the retrievals to produce a final ranked list using the
// Comparator for retrievals that produces a best to worst ordering.
return retrievals;

* Calculate the final score for a retrieval and return a Retrieval object representing
* the retrieval with its final score.
* @param queryLength The length of the query vector, incorporated into the final score
* @param docRef The document reference for the document concerned
* @param score The partially computed score
* @return The retrieval object for the document described by docRef
* and score under the query with length queryLength
protected Retrieval getRetrieval(double queryLength, DocumentReference docRef, double score) {
// Normalize score for the lengths of the two document vectors
score = score / (queryLength * docRef.length);
// Add a Retrieval for this document to the result array
return new Retrieval(docRef, score);

* Retrieve the documents indexed by this token in the inverted index,
* add it to the retrievalHash if needed, and update its running total score.
* @param token The token in the query to incorporate.
* @param count The count of this token in the query.
* @param retrievalHash The hash table of retrieved DocumentReferences and current
* scores.
* @return The square of the weight of this token in the query vector for use
* in calculating the length of the query vector.
public double incorporateToken(String token, double count,
Map<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> retrievalHash) {
TokenInfo tokenInfo = tokenHash.get(token);
// If token is not in the index, it adds nothing and its squared weight is 0
if (tokenInfo == null) return 0.0;
// The weight of a token in the query is is IDF factor times the number
// of times it occurs in the query.
double weight = tokenInfo.idf * count;
// For each document occurrence indexed for this token...
for (TokenOccurrence occ : tokenInfo.occList) {
// Get the current score for this document in the retrievalHash.
DoubleValue val = retrievalHash.get(occ.docRef);
if (val == null) {
// If this is a new retrieved document, create an initial score
// for it and store in the retrievalHash
val = new DoubleValue(0.0);
retrievalHash.put(occ.docRef, val);
// Update the score for this document by adding the product
// of the weight of this token in the query and its weight
// in the retrieved document (IDF * occurrence count)
val.value = val.value + weight * tokenInfo.idf * occ.count;
// Return the square of the weight of this token in the query
return weight * weight;

* Enter an interactive user-query loop, accepting queries and showing the retrieved
* documents in ranked order.
public void processQueries() {

System.out.println("Now able to process queries. When done, enter an empty query to exit.");
// Loop indefinitely answering queries
do {
// Get a query from the console
String query = UserInput.prompt("\nEnter query: ");
// If query is empty then exit the interactive loop
if (query.equals(""))
// Get the ranked retrievals for this query string and present them
HashMapVector queryVector = (new TextStringDocument(query, stem)).hashMapVector();
Retrieval[] retrievals = retrieve(queryVector);
presentRetrievals(queryVector, retrievals);
while (true);

* Print out a ranked set of retrievals. Show the file name and score for
* the top retrieved documents in order. Then allow user to see more or display
* individual documents.
public void presentRetrievals(HashMapVector queryVector, Retrieval[] retrievals) {
if (showRetrievals(retrievals)) {
// Data structure for saving info about any user feedback for relevance feedback
Feedback fdback = null;
if (feedback)
fdback = new Feedback(queryVector, retrievals, this);
// The number of the last document presented
int currentPosition = MAX_RETRIEVALS;
// The number of a document to be displayed. This is one one greater than the array index
// in retrievals, since counting for the user starts at 1 instead of 0.
int showNumber = 0;
// Loop accepting user commands for processing retrievals
do {
String command = UserInput.prompt("\n Enter command: ");
// If command is empty then exit the interactive loop
if (command.equals(""))
if (command.equals("m")) {
// The "more" command, print a list of the next MAX_RETRIEVALS batch of retrievals
printRetrievals(retrievals, currentPosition);
currentPosition = currentPosition + MAX_RETRIEVALS;
if (command.equals("r") && feedback) {
// The "redo" command re-excutes a revised query using Ide_regular
if (fdback.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Need to first view some documents and provide feedback.");
System.out.println("Positive docs: " + fdback.goodDocRefs +
"\nNegative docs: " + fdback.badDocRefs);
System.out.println("Executing New Expanded and Reweighted Query: ");
queryVector = fdback.newQuery();
retrievals = retrieve(queryVector);
// Update the list of retrievals stored in the feedback
fdback.retrievals = retrievals;
if (showRetrievals(retrievals))
// See if command is a number
try {
showNumber = Integer.parseInt(command);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// If not a number, it is an unknown command
System.out.println("Unknown command.");
System.out.println("Enter `m' to see more, a number to show the nth document, nothing to exit.");
if (feedback && !fdback.isEmpty())
System.out.println("Enter `r' to use any feedback given to `redo' with a revised query.");
// Display the selected document number in Netscape
if (showNumber > 0 && showNumber <= retrievals.length) {
System.out.println("Showing document " + showNumber + " in the " + Browser.BROWSER_NAME + " window.");
Browser.display(retrievals[showNumber - 1].docRef.file);
// If accepting feedback and have not rated this item, then get relevance feedback
if (feedback && !fdback.haveFeedback(showNumber))
} else {
System.out.println("No such document number: " + showNumber);
while (true);

* Show the top retrievals to the user if there are any.
* @return true if retrievals are non-empty.
public boolean showRetrievals(Retrieval[] retrievals) {
if (retrievals.length == 0) {
System.out.println("\nNo matching documents found.");
return false;
} else {
System.out.println("\nTop " + MAX_RETRIEVALS + " matching Documents from most to least relevant:");
printRetrievals(retrievals, 0);
System.out.println("\nEnter `m' to see more, a number to show the nth document, nothing to exit.");
if (feedback)
System.out.println("Enter `r' to use any relevance feedback given to `redo' with a revised query.");
return true;

* Print out at most MAX_RETRIEVALS ranked retrievals starting at given starting rank number.
* Include the rank number and the score.
public void printRetrievals(Retrieval[] retrievals, int start) {
if (start >= retrievals.length)
System.out.println("No more retrievals.");
for (int i = start; i < Math.min(retrievals.length, start + MAX_RETRIEVALS); i++) {
System.out.println(MoreString.padTo((i + 1) + ". ", 4) +
MoreString.padTo(retrievals[i].docRef.file.getName(), 20) +
" Score: " +
MoreMath.roundTo(retrievals[i].score, 5));

* Index a directory of files and then interactively accept retrieval queries.
* Command format: "InvertedIndex [OPTION]* [DIR]" where DIR is the name of
* the directory whose files should be indexed, and OPTIONs can be
* "-html" to specify HTML files whose HTML tags should be removed.
* "-stem" to specify tokens should be stemmed with Porter stemmer.
* "-feedback" to allow relevance feedback from the user.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Parse the arguments into a directory name and optional flag

String dirName = args[args.length - 1];
short docType = DocumentIterator.TYPE_TEXT;
boolean stem = false, feedback = false;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
String flag = args[i];
if (flag.equals("-html"))
// Create HTMLFileDocuments to filter HTML tags
docType = DocumentIterator.TYPE_HTML;
else if (flag.equals("-stem"))
// Stem tokens with Porter stemmer
stem = true;
else if (flag.equals("-feedback"))
// Use relevance feedback
feedback = true;
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown flag: "+ flag);

// Create an inverted index for the files in the given directory.
InvertedIndexVita index = new InvertedIndexVita(new File(dirName), docType, stem, feedback);
// index.print();
// Interactively process queries to this index.


error occure :
public short docType = DocumentIterator.TYPE_TEXT;
InvertedIndexVita.java:69: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
tokenHash = new HashMap<String, TokenInfo>();
InvertedIndexVita.java:70: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
docRefs = new ArrayList<DocumentReference>();
InvertedIndexVita.java:81: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
tokenHash = new HashMap<String, TokenInfo>();
InvertedIndexVita.java:82: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
docRefs = new ArrayList<DocumentReference>();
InvertedIndexVita.java:96: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentIterator
location: class InvertedIndexVita
DocumentIterator docIter = new DocumentIterator(dirFile, docType, stem);
InvertedIndexVita.java:96: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentIterator
location: class InvertedIndexVita
DocumentIterator docIter = new DocumentIterator(dirFile, docType, stem);
InvertedIndexVita.java:101: cannot find symbol
symbol : class FileDocument
location: class InvertedIndexVita
FileDocument doc = docIter.nextDocument();
InvertedIndexVita.java:104: cannot find symbol
symbol : class HashMapVector
location: class InvertedIndexVita
HashMapVector vector = doc.hashMapVector();
InvertedIndexVita.java:123: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Example
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (Example example : examples) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:124: cannot find symbol
symbol : class FileDocument
location: class InvertedIndexVita
FileDocument doc = example.getDocument();
InvertedIndexVita.java:126: cannot find symbol
symbol : class HashMapVector
location: class InvertedIndexVita
HashMapVector vector = example.getHashMapVector();
InvertedIndexVita.java:140: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
DocumentReference docRef = new DocumentReference(doc);
InvertedIndexVita.java:140: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
DocumentReference docRef = new DocumentReference(doc);
InvertedIndexVita.java:144: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Weight
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (Map.Entry<String, Weight> entry : vector.entrySet()) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:163: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
TokenInfo tokenInfo = tokenHash.get(token);
InvertedIndexVita.java:166: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
tokenInfo = new TokenInfo();
InvertedIndexVita.java:170: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenOccurrence
location: class InvertedIndexVita
tokenInfo.occList.add(new TokenOccurrence(docRef, count));
InvertedIndexVita.java:181: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, TokenInfo>> mapEntries = tokenHash.entrySet().ite
InvertedIndexVita.java:184: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Map.Entry<String, TokenInfo> entry = mapEntries.next();
InvertedIndexVita.java:186: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
TokenInfo tokenInfo = entry.getValue();
InvertedIndexVita.java:200: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenOccurrence
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (TokenOccurrence occ : tokenInfo.occList) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:201: operator + cannot be applied to TokenOccurrence.docR
occ.docRef.length = occ.docRef.length + Math.pow(idf * occ.count, 2);
InvertedIndexVita.java:208: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (DocumentReference docRef : docRefs) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:219: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (Map.Entry<String, TokenInfo> entry : tokenHash.entrySet()) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:225: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenOccurrence
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (TokenOccurrence occ : entry.getValue().occList) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:251: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TextStringDocument
location: class InvertedIndexVita
return retrieve(new TextStringDocument(input, stem));
InvertedIndexVita.java:271: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Map<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> retrievalHash =
InvertedIndexVita.java:271: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DoubleValue
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Map<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> retrievalHash =
InvertedIndexVita.java:272: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
new HashMap<DocumentReference, DoubleValue>();
InvertedIndexVita.java:272: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DoubleValue
location: class InvertedIndexVita
new HashMap<DocumentReference, DoubleValue>();
InvertedIndexVita.java:276: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Weight
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (Map.Entry<String, Weight> entry : vector.entrySet()) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:282: operator + cannot be applied to double,<any>
queryLength = queryLength + incorporateToken(token, count, retrievalHash);

InvertedIndexVita.java:282: incompatible types
found : <nulltype>
required: double
queryLength = queryLength + incorporateToken(token, count, retrievalHash);

InvertedIndexVita.java:288: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Retrieval
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Retrieval[] retrievals = new Retrieval[retrievalHash.size()];
InvertedIndexVita.java:288: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Retrieval
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Retrieval[] retrievals = new Retrieval[retrievalHash.size()];
InvertedIndexVita.java:292: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (Map.Entry<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> entry : retrievalHash.entrySe
t()) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:292: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DoubleValue
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (Map.Entry<DocumentReference, DoubleValue> entry : retrievalHash.entrySe
t()) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:293: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DocumentReference
location: class InvertedIndexVita
DocumentReference docRef = entry.getKey();
InvertedIndexVita.java:317: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Retrieval
location: class InvertedIndexVita
return new Retrieval(docRef, score);
InvertedIndexVita.java:334: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenInfo
location: class InvertedIndexVita
TokenInfo tokenInfo = tokenHash.get(token);
InvertedIndexVita.java:341: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TokenOccurrence
location: class InvertedIndexVita
for (TokenOccurrence occ : tokenInfo.occList) {
InvertedIndexVita.java:343: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DoubleValue
location: class InvertedIndexVita
DoubleValue val = retrievalHash.get(occ.docRef);
InvertedIndexVita.java:347: cannot find symbol
symbol : class DoubleValue
location: class InvertedIndexVita
val = new DoubleValue(0.0);
InvertedIndexVita.java:353: operator + cannot be applied to DoubleValue.value,do
val.value = val.value + weight * tokenInfo.idf * occ.count;
InvertedIndexVita.java:370: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable UserInput
location: class InvertedIndexVita
String query = UserInput.prompt("\nEnter query: ");
InvertedIndexVita.java:375: cannot find symbol
symbol : class HashMapVector
location: class InvertedIndexVita
HashMapVector queryVector = (new TextStringDocument(query, stem)).hashMapV
InvertedIndexVita.java:375: cannot find symbol
symbol : class TextStringDocument
location: class InvertedIndexVita
HashMapVector queryVector = (new TextStringDocument(query, stem)).hashMapV
InvertedIndexVita.java:376: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Retrieval
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Retrieval[] retrievals = retrieve(queryVector);
InvertedIndexVita.java:390: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Feedback
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Feedback fdback = null;
InvertedIndexVita.java:392: cannot find symbol
symbol : class Feedback
location: class InvertedIndexVita
fdback = new Feedback(queryVector, retrievals, this);
InvertedIndexVita.java:400: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable UserInput
location: class InvertedIndexVita
String command = UserInput.prompt("\n Enter command: ");
InvertedIndexVita.java:442: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable Browser
location: class InvertedIndexVita
System.out.println("Showing document " + showNumber + " in the " + Bro
wser.BROWSER_NAME + " window.");
InvertedIndexVita.java:443: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable Browser
location: class InvertedIndexVita
Browser.display(retrievals[showNumber - 1].docRef.file);
InvertedIndexVita.java:484: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable MoreString
location: class InvertedIndexVita
System.out.println(MoreString.padTo((i + 1) + ". ", 4) +
InvertedIndexVita.java:485: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable MoreString
location: class InvertedIndexVita
MoreString.padTo(retrievals[i].docRef.file.getName(), 20) +
InvertedIndexVita.java:487: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable MoreMath
location: class InvertedIndexVita
MoreMath.roundTo(retrievals[i].score, 5));
InvertedIndexVita.java:503: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable DocumentIterator
location: class InvertedIndexVita
short docType = DocumentIterator.TYPE_TEXT;
InvertedIndexVita.java:509: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable DocumentIterator
location: class InvertedIndexVita
docType = DocumentIterator.TYPE_HTML;
81 errors

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i used edit plus editor, but woooww too many error occure when i compiling this program. i got a tutorial, and i follow the code from its tutorial..
please sir, help.. *hope

Ulf Dittmer
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Is this code supposed to be using Lucene? I'm asking because there are no Lucene imports. If it's using only the ir.* classes, then I'd guess you're not including those in the classpath during compilation. The Oracle Java Tutorial has a section on how to use classpaths in conjunction with the Java compiler and the Java runtime.
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And please use code tags (UseCodeTags) when posting code, unformatted code makes it harder to read them...
vita sari utami
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Vijitha Kumara wrote:And please use code tags (UseCodeTags) when posting code, unformatted code makes it harder to read them...

these code don't used lucene, the code to make inverted index manually, without lucene.
So build inverted index manually coding.. what should i do, to resolve errors??
vita sari utami
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Jon Camilleri wrote:hope this helps.

sir, i want to ask. i have lucene-core-3.1.0 based on your example, you put lucene-core-....-sources.jar in directory lib.
in my lucene (3.1.0) i not found lucene-core-....-sources.jar, i found lucene-test-framework-3.1.0.jar , where i search lucene-core-....-sources.jar ???
and what is same, lucene-core-....-sources.jar with lucene-test-framework-3.1.0.jar ???

i hope you can help my search..
Ulf Dittmer
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Neither anything called ...-sources-... nor ...-test-... is correct for compilation or runtime. Look for lucene-core-....jar
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