hi kavitha
you can try this one :
Start Eclipse.
Configure Tomcat plugin.
Menu "Workbench" -> Item "Preferences" -> Option "Tomcat" -> "Tomcat version", select "4.x" -> "Tomcat home", specify <Tomcat install dir> -> Under Option "Tomcat", suboption "JVM Settings" -> "Classpath", add the Jar/Zip for tools.jar. (If you use JDK 1.4 at C:\jdk1.4, it is "C:\jdk1.4\lib\tools.jar"). This is for compiling
Set classpath variable TOMCAT_HOME for project classpath reference.
Menu "Workbench" -> Item "Preferences" -> option "Java" -> option "Classpath Variables" -> New variable, name "TOMCAT_HOME", value <TOMCAT install dir> (Then in .classpath of your project, you use TOMCAT_HOME for variable references.)
Make sure Tomcat menu accessible.
Set to "Java" perspective, and make sure Tomcat menu and its 3 toolbar buttons are available. (If not, Menu Perspective -> Item "Customize" -> option "Other" -> option "Tomcat", check it.)
Use menu or toolbar to Start/Stop Tomcat
(The plugin will start/stop Tomcat as a debugging mode VM inside Eclipse, so debugging into
Servlets and JSP-generated-Servlets becomes possible.)
For your Eclipse project, .classpath needs this to compile Servlets:
<classpathentry kind="var" path="TOMCAT_HOME/lib/jasper-runtime.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="var" path="TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/servlet.jar"/>