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Phil Freihofner wrote:
I came to the conclusion I need to use signing, since JNLP only allows access via a window for every file you want to save or load. I don't want to make the User have to go through this for the multiple sound files.
Retired horse trader.
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The open method of the FileHandler class invokes the openFileDialog method of the FileOpenService class to display a file chooser.
Phil Freihofner wrote:I apologize for putting wrong or unclear info on this thread! All my info comes from reading the Java Tutorials (Deployment section->Doing more with Java Rich Internet Applications->JNLP API->Accessing the Client Using JNLP). File access is granted via the FileHandler class. And both the open and save methods invoke a dialog box:
The open method of the FileHandler class invokes the openFileDialog method of the FileOpenService class to display a file chooser.
And this is in addition to the security dialog that comes up. As I am saving numerous .wav files, then reading each one multiple times (each instance invoking the file chooser dialog, if I understand the above correctly), I believe the best course is to use a File object, which in turn requires Signing the Jar. Do correct me again if I still have this wrong!
As for Signing being "difficult," I'm not sure I'm ready to say that, but finding a tutorial with an example (listed above) was kind of tricky. From "Doing More with Java Rich Internet Applications" there is a link to "Signing and Verifying Jar Files". The "Signing Jar Files" subpage says "you must first have a private key" triggering another mental stack push. There IS a bit of conceptual explanation right there, but no link to documentation for this utility in this paragraph. One must find the "Summary of Security Tools" link at the bottom. I found the explanations on its page rather terse. The -help dump provided by the utility itself is excellent. I just prefer to get a little more context and an example, if such exists, when dealing with an unfamiliar function. I also thought John or others following might find this article useful.
The Java Tutorials are a fantastic resource. I feel like I should only be grateful for their existence, not quibble with the presentation here and there.
Retired horse trader.
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