Has anybody ever run into setter problems when you create a form which doesn't extend ActionForm directly?
I have XYZForm which extends CommonForm, which extends ButtonsForm which extends ActionForm (whew!)
In XYZForm, I have a boolean assignFormButton and the following setter:
public void setAssignFormButton(final
String button) {
this.assignFormButton = buttonStringToBoolean(button);
(buttonStringToBoolean just takes the string and returns a boolean if not null)
In my
JSP, I have:
<html:submit property="assignFormButton" styleId="assignProjectSubmitLink" tabindex="5>ASSIGN</html:submit>
assignFormButon=ASSIGN is indeed in the URL..however, it is never been called in the form.
However, I have other form elements in the JSP and XYZForm which ARE being set properly.