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www.BlackBeltFactory.com/ui#!/ref=jmotta, SCJP 6, OCWCD JEE5, OCE EJB JEE6
is it my snap of code true ?
Regarding to INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY should I use the callee application server factory or calling application server (WAS or weblogic Factory)?
Should I use the IIOP in this syntax?
I used global EJB JNDI name is it right ?
i have to use vendor specific JNDI name for Websphere ?
Feel free to ask me anything!
www.BlackBeltFactory.com/ui#!/ref=jmotta, SCJP 6, OCWCD JEE5, OCE EJB JEE6
Feel free to ask me anything!
www.BlackBeltFactory.com/ui#!/ref=jmotta, SCJP 6, OCWCD JEE5, OCE EJB JEE6
Feel free to ask me anything!
www.BlackBeltFactory.com/ui#!/ref=jmotta, SCJP 6, OCWCD JEE5, OCE EJB JEE6
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