is there any way where i can use <html:form> without action attribute
No. The action attribute is required for a <html:form> tag. Even if you end up changing it to something else, the original action must be there.
Struts has to have an action in order to know which ActionForm bean to associate with the page.
That shouldn't prevent you from using JavaScript to change the action of the form if you need to. The JavaScript statement:
will work just fine in a Struts
word of caution, though. If you plan to use the ActionForm in the NewAction class, you need to make sure that the action mapping for NewAction uses the same form bean as the original action defined for the page. The ActionForm defined for the original action is the one that will be populated by Struts and passed on to the execute method of the Action class.
You might look into using DispatchAction. It sounds like this would be a good fit for what you're doing.
Here is a good article on how to use it.