Currently, with the referenced code below, the selected value on the page IS NOT being saved on the ActionForm with the property listed. Any ideas as to why? Thanks to all!
<logic:iterate name="ReportListForm" property="reportChosen.groups" id="groups">
<logic:iterate name="groups" property="parms" id="parmValues" >
<c:set var="dataName" value="${parmValues.dataType}" />
<c:if test="${dataName=='multipleSelect'}">
<html:select indexed="true" size="10" name="parmValues" property="value" multiple="true">
ptionsCollection name="parmValues" property="choicesList" />
terms explained
reportChosen = Report class that stores information
groups = ArrayList property of Group types, property of reportChosen
parms = ArrayList property of Parm types, property of groups
dataType = lets me know which type of html element to created for user input
multipleSelect = identifier for a select list with multiple=true
choicesList = ArrayList of choices (type = LabelValueBeans to populate lists)
Thanks for your assistance. I am stumped!