We use
JBoss 5.1 application server. My application server is running into high load. We push thousands of messages into JMS queue.
Its goes into situation where I see huge difference between Message count Vs Delivery count of the messages.
below is what i am seeing under jboss.messaging.destination of my specific queue in jmx-console:
MessageCount R int The number of messages in the queue 113430
DeliveringCount R int The number of messages currently being delivered 232
ConsumerCount is always 5.
The problem I am facing is the huge delay in delivery of individual messages. Basically once MDB is invoked to process one message and we make a HTTP connection to send that message to some external server. Looks like thousands of messages are never delivered, chocking in JMS queue.
When i restart the servers, for sometime it the messageCount and deliveringCount stays same for some time the difference goes on increasing. Looks like production of messages is more than the amount that can be consumed.
It has got performance issue as well, huge increase in CPU and Heap utilization.
Do we need to increase the cosumer count, if yes where is the configuration.
Any help will be very much appreciated.