rajareddya reddy wrote:
now all my problems solved.
goitya potiya wrote:
rajareddya reddy wrote:
now all my problems solved.
Sorry just couldn't help thinking.......... if family and father were your problems, I wonder what did you do with them?
I wonder what did you do with them?
Everything has got its own deadline including one's EGO!
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Everything has got its own deadline including one's EGO!
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Raghavan Muthu wrote:
I don't think there is anything wrong or funny here. It was all about the momentary thing where he needed to pay his complete attention towards family because his father was ill.
Me neither.
Raghavan Muthu wrote:
What would you do when you are in his situation?
Kindly understand the human emotions/feelings. Atleast better NOT to play with them if you don't respect.
There are many things I would do. The best follows;
I would..... a) When applied or interviewed for the job would explain to the prospective employer the reasons for the gap. Understandably, if the employer has the knack for those.... "human emotions/feelings" will be able to give me the opportunity or I would just politely ask him to shove-up the job in his back-side.
You know what I am saying ?
So you made a portal in time and started grabbing people. This tiny ad thinks that's rude:
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