REPL - Read-Eval-Print-Loop - is not a web server, it's an interactive console, much like Ruby, Groovy and Scala all have. Which shell script were you using to launch it?
If you're launching the REPL in Eclipse, you can just add your JAR to your Build Path in Eclipse and then (import ...) your Java classes.
I strongly recommend Leiningen as your default build tool. It makes dealing with dependencies and packaging your application really simple - much simpler than any manual process you will come up with
Now, on to let:
That's called destructuring. You can destructure vectors and maps in a binding (and therefore in function arguments too).
Here's a more complex example to show you how powerful the matching and binding can be:
This shows map destructuring with a default (for c, because it's not in the map - the first element of the vector) as well as nested destructuring and the use of & to match the "rest" of a sequence - [f & g] is bound to [[5 6] 7] so f is bound to [5 6] and g is bound to the rest of the enclosing sequence:
(rest [[5 6] 7]) is