I think you may be confused, the new exams with the same subjects (EJB and JPA) are:
EJB 3.1(1Z0-895), this one is about EJB's in general and have some hooks to other technologies / specifications like Intercerptors 1.1,
Java Transaction API 1.1, Java Message Service 1.1, etc..
JPA 2.0(1Z0-898) this one is purely of the Java Persistence API, but I think it will get more complex from now on, EJB 3.2 are already being discussed and I can bet that the new Hibernate OGM will be the reference implementation of the newer versions of JPA.
Look here the certifications available:
Hope this helps!
Feel free to ask me anything!!/ref=jmotta, SCJP 6, OCWCD JEE5, OCE EJB JEE6