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Why do People Drink Beer?

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Why do people drink Beer, its very sour to taste i would rather prefer bitter gourd then beer
lowercase baba
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I've never had bitter gourd - not even sure what that is.

I started drinking beer in college because a) I could afford it (it was often free) and b) social pressure. Over time, I acquired a taste for it. GOOD beer is full of flavor and aromas.

I don't drink much at all now - maybe 2-3 total drinks a month. But every once in a while, nothing beats an ice cold beer.
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I'm like fred -- I rarely drink, but when I do, I like a good beer. I don't understand the appeal of guzzling down the mass-market swill.
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This says that beer made all the invention.
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Bear Bibeault wrote: I don't understand the appeal of guzzling down the mass-market swill.

Its well known that if you advertise something heavily, people will buy it. No matter what it is.

Most American mass market beers have no taste and are designed to get a lot of alcohol into you quickly. Thus the taste, or lack there of, is not an issue, since the point is to get to the booze.

I will admit that when its scorching hot, as it has been recently in the mid-west and east, an ice cold American style beer tastes good.
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Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy (attributed to Benjamin Franklin)
Pat Farrell
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Joe Ess wrote:Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy (attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

Of course, but mass advertised mass market beer had not yet been invented when good Ben said that.
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Historically it was because drinking beer was better for your health than drinking water was. Much less chance of getting dysentery and problems like that.
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Vishal Hegde wrote:its very sour to taste

Enjoying beer is an acquired taste like guinness or olives.
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beer fill your stomach. I dont like it any more. Taste the good old jonny walker instead :p
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Ogeh Ikem wrote:Enjoying beer is an acquired taste like guinness or olives.

Are you saying Guinness is not beer? Them's fighting words!
Ogeh Ikem
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It's a type of beer but I think that it belongs in a special class, all on its own.
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Ogeh Ikem wrote:It's a type of beer but I think that it belongs in a special class, all on its own.

I too, am getting to the point where I like dark beers way more than the lighter stuff. In fact, I can't drink light beer anymore -- it all tastes like water. The lightest that I will go at this point is an amber (or maybe a red).

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Try the Mexican Beer.
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i read a novel once based in the middle ages (around AD1000 or so). they fed the children beer for breakfast. it was pretty much all they had during the winter. beer and bread (hopefully with grease on it). beer kept them alive during the winter.

on a different note, it is an aquired taste just like tobacco.
Hussein Baghdadi
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Randall Twede wrote:
on a different note, it is an aquired taste just like tobacco.

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I don't drink many these days but the right beer at the right time (ice cold on a hot day) is awesome.

Mostly I go not too light (I avoid Bud, Miller, Coors, and so on), and usually nothing as heavy as a Guinness. These days I usually go for an ESB or an IPA. When I do go light, I like Mexican beers
Bear Bibeault
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Mexican beers are surprisingly good, and as you might guess, rather popular here in Texas. We also have a fantastic microbrewery industry thanks to the influx of German immigrants back in the day.
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I never met an IPA I didn't like.
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I like all sorts of kinds, whether it's light or dark. I had a short period when I just started drinking beer where I actually enjoyed darker beers more, but then lost taste for them again.

Because of the hot weather we've had lots of wheat beers, and right now I'm really into the dark stuff again. I'm having a Guinness as I type.

This trip I had Yuengling for the first time, and I have to say it's pretty enjoyable. Other new beers I've tasted in the past two weeks are Genesee Cream Ale, and Blue Moon (which I've never heard of, despite it being a Belgian import), and I quite enjoy both. Pabst is just gross :P

I live right next to the Grolsch factory, so that's our regular swill.
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I drink it, to be out of mind for sometime; enjoy of being myself and off coarse senseless discussion with friends ...don't like taste that much ...but you'll enjoy it when you'll get it very chilled
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Not all beer is bitter. It comes in many varieties. My favorite beer is Rickards red. It is very sweet for a beer and I find the taste extremely enjoyable. There are many other beers that have a great taste as well and I find many beers are much better tasting as a draft than bottled. Beer is a great marinade as well. A good cold beer with friends at a barbeque is my favorite way to enjoy it. I do not drink it very much anymore but when I do it is a pleasure to have.


Greg Funston
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I agree that it's probably comming from social pressure and things like that but i'm from Beligum and we have so many different beers here that it's impossible no finding one with a taste you like.

You have fruity beers, strong brown beers but also sweet and strong brown beers, blond beers, white beers, ... and my favourite ones are the triple which are blond sweet and strong beers.

More than this, if you compare to other alcohols beer is one of the most easy to digest.

You can drink a lot of beer feeling you thirst disappear before feeling ill or drunk.
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Strange nobody has mentioned Tuborg. The Beer.
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Young people begins to alcohol with beer as a light drink. Therefore alcohol addiction is becoming increasingly severe.
Even so it is not true to use less if most of them will do intoxicating...

There are many types in the clean circle of beverages: fruit juices, mineral waters, etc...

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Where do you live Vishal? There are some beers that are very sour (especially some Belgian and French beers) but sour is not how I would describe most beers...at least not in the US. Bitter is a term that applies more often, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. Beer is an incredibly complex drink with a wide range of styles and flavors (sweet, malty, roasty, sour, bitter, fruity, etc.)

Not meaning to start a war, but the US is the best place in the world these days for a beer geek...errr...beer conisure, and this might be the best time as well! American craft breweries make incredible and unique American style beers and styles from around the world plus you can get beers from all over the world imported here. Tomorrow I am heading to a weekend event focused around home brewed beer (with lots of commercial beer and good food mixed in).

It is good to be a beer geek!

- Brent
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Lucky you :-)
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I normally drink Newcastle Brown Ale, cos its good for you
Also I do like some of the quality German beers; and its good to try any local beers and ales from around the country - sadly a lot of these small independent breweries are closing down...
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I drink beer when i see football matches... I feel like it gives extra kick

Good that now they have introduced Carlsberg in Chennai
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I normally drink Newcastle Brown Ale, cos its good for you

wasn't there a scare not that long ago about the levels of alumium in Newcastle Brown?
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San Diego has a thriving microbrewery industry and the emphasis is on hoppy beers, especially IPAs, i.e., India Pale Ales. I'm curious; are IPAs available these days in India? My impression is that mostly mediocre imports make up the Indian market, like Budweiser, Fosters, Corona, Heineken, etc. Any good local brews?
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Greg Charles wrote:San Diego has a thriving microbrewery industry and the emphasis is on hoppy beers, especially IPAs, i.e., India Pale Ales. I'm curious; are IPAs available these days in India? My impression is that mostly mediocre imports make up the Indian market, like Budweiser, Fosters, Corona, Heineken, etc. Any good local brews?

Greg, you're right in saying that a majority of the market is made up by the mediocre brands- Kingfisher, Tuborg, Budweiser etc.
Over the last couple of years, there have been quiet a few microbreweries that have opened up in the NCR (Delhi, Gurgaon etc.).
Rockman's Beer Island, Vapour, Howzzat to name a few. They serve some really good beer very much unlike the Fosters and the Coronas..Once you've had them, its hard to go back..
Greg Charles
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Hi Ishu, that's good to hear. That's pretty much how the U.S. market has gone: a wasteland of bland, mass-market beers 10-15 years ago to a wealth of choices now. What about IPAs though? I know that historically they were brewed for British serving in India, and I'm curious if that carried over to popularity with the local population?
Greg Funston
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The people who mentioned micro breweries and special brands of beer bring to mind a good point. Not all beers are created equal and the majority of the beers available are not very impressive mass market brands. Just like wine or a good scotch, good beer can be hard to find. Unlike scotch, beer is not very expensive for the better brands. You just need to try them. There is certainly a lot of brands to try and I have found draft beers to be very good in general. Unfortunately they are usually only found in pubs not in stores and at a higher price than store brands. It also takes time(a more valuable commodity) to enjoy one in a pub. I enjoy the opportunity when it arises and microbrewery beers are usually very good drafts to chose from when you have the time.


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Some people want to drink beer because getting drunk helps them get away from problems that they may have in their everyday lives.
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To conserve water.
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can remember my first sip of beer, somewhere in my early teens, and finding it pretty bad (and yes, it would have been a inexpensive mainstream beer like Bud, etc).

When you're only used to milk, juice, and soda pop, it's not surprising the bitterness imparted by the hops, and the lack of sweetness, will be a shock to your taste buds.

But I also clearly remember in my late teens, helping building a barn one summer, being hot and thirsty, and my older sister offering me a beer (again, a 'cheap' brand).
Boy did that quench my thirst. Unlike pop, it did not leave a sugary residue in my mouth.

Now, I savor deep amber ales, that are reminiscent of hearty whole grain bread.
(it's not uncommon to hear beer described as liquid bread, because of the common ingredients of grain and yeast).
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In the Middle Ages people drank beer rather than water because there was often no good clean, drinkable water nearby. Drinking water could be dangerous because it could be infected with diseases. I guess the alcohol in beer kills most of the germs that are in the water that is used to make the beer, so that they are not a big problem.
Greg Charles
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Hops is also a natural antibiotic, which is one reason that IPAs and other hoppy beers are less prone to skunking.

Doesn't drinking alcohol actually dehydrate you though? Could you really substitute beer for water?
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