|| OCJP:81%
There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors
Bear Bibeault wrote: I don't understand the appeal of guzzling down the mass-market swill.
Joe Ess wrote:Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy (attributed to Benjamin Franklin)
Vishal Hegde wrote:its very sour to taste
Ogeh Ikem wrote:Enjoying beer is an acquired taste like guinness or olives.
Ogeh Ikem wrote:It's a type of beer but I think that it belongs in a special class, all on its own.
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Randall Twede wrote:
on a different note, it is an aquired taste just like tobacco.
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No Kaustubh No Fun, Know Kaustubh Know Fun..
"Half of the science is to ask question"
Regards Pete
I normally drink Newcastle Brown Ale, cos its good for you
Greg Charles wrote:San Diego has a thriving microbrewery industry and the emphasis is on hoppy beers, especially IPAs, i.e., India Pale Ales. I'm curious; are IPAs available these days in India? My impression is that mostly mediocre imports make up the Indian market, like Budweiser, Fosters, Corona, Heineken, etc. Any good local brews?
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