Sanjeev Charla wrote:Applications like Firefox, VLC player . . .etc etc are available for mostly all types of OS. But they are implemented in platform dependent languages like c, c++.
Are they compile the source code for each and every OS by using related IDEs with platform dependent packages separately??
Yes, the application is compiled separately for each platform, otherwise it won't work. This is why you see Linux downloads, Mac downloads and Windows downloads as separate entities.
Sanjeev Charla wrote:There are so many compilers like VC++, GCC . . .
Suppose i want to develop an application with c or c++, and i want to available that application for maximum OSs,
1. What is the procedure to select an IDE and tools for developing a software like this ??
2. what concepts i have to consider?
1. You can either stick to using a compiler that is available for all your targets, such as gcc, or you can choose a separate compiler for each target. The choice of IDE is entirely independent; choose something that you like to work in, whether that's Eclipse, Emacs, the MSVC IDE or something else. Then set up build scripts for each target.
You then need to choose libraries which are available across all your target platforms, or you have to write your own wrappers around the facilities available on each platform, so that your main code does not have to care. For example, you might choose to use wxwindows or QT for your GUI rather than MFC, since they are available on multiple platforms.
2. Generally, it is the OS APIs that differ, rather than the basic capabilities, though you might need to watch out for things like "long" being 64-bit on some platforms and 32-bit on others. Use libraries to hide the OS differences.