posted 13 years ago
how do you handle a time out request in a GWT app ?
Here is a snipped of my web.xml file :
My GWT project is based on MVP Activities and Places.
Whenever the user waits more than 30mn, i want to display a popup and redirect the user to the login page. Here is what i do for
all RPC services :
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
if (caught instanceof InvocationException) {
Window.alert("Time out de session. Veuillez vous reconnecter. 2"); + "identification.html", "_self", null);
It works but several things are annoying :
1) the caught exception should be RequestTimeoutException. But it's not caught, which is why i use InvocationException instead.
How come it's not caught ?
2) how can i handle this exception in a more generic way ? It's a bit stupid to have to catch that exception in all RPC services ...
I read about some AsyncCallbackAdapter class ...
3) Right now i handle RPC services only but of course time out exception occurs everywhere : links, buttons, page refresh ...
I'm using MVP Places and Activities.
Is there a way to catch that exception when the user tries to go to a place ?
Thanks for helping