Does it make sense to add extra description for class diagram, component diagram and deployment diagram?
I feel that sequence diagrams are good candidate for adding description for explaining flow, but it will not make much sense to add description beneath class diagram.
It makes sense to clarify all diagrams created. You can use the search functionality of this forum for potential points of interest.
The are quite a few hints on this.
I have added descriptions in all other diagrams except class diagram and I am not able to write more than 5 line description for class diagram as my system overall design has been included in component diagram. Shall I explain cardinality between business objects as description?
Although it is very much displayed in diagram?
Please provide some topics that should be specifically part of class diagram desciption.
Assume the reviewer knows how to read the diagram (such as cardinality.) Repeating just wastes his/her time. Use text/comments for explaining why you did something. Why did you choose a tricky multiplicity? Why did you deviate from the business diagram in the assignment? Anything non-standard you want to call attention to.
Instead of adding description in the diagram it self, Is it not better to put in the html.
While submitting index.html as to be prepared and every other diagram is referenced again with one more html in which diagram as well as text information below it. Will this would be fine.