Ulf Dittmer wrote:Well, you're not exactly making it easy for us to help you. For example, what's with all the empty lines? It seems you could remove about a third of your code that does nothing but impact people's ability to comprehend it.
Also, what is "the button"? A particular one? If so, which one? What happened when you did click on it? Did the handler get called? You're implying no. I suspect yes, but it just didn't do what you thought it should be doing.
Furthermore, at a quick glance, I see two catch blocks that do precisely nothing. Unless you're generating an error message of some kind that you're guaranteed to see, that's just a recipe for trouble.
Ulf Dittmer wrote:You misunderstood: I was asking for much less code, not more code. The more code you post, the less likely it is that anyone will bother to go through it.
Important notes: The way I do it is initially the user sees self ip and hostname and he or she provided with a search button...as soon as the button is pressed a search in the current user subnet is initiated and the result is got back in 2d string array. this 2d array with other external data like (image icons and all) is used to dynamically create a panel which is set right below the search button. Again the whole thing works absolutely the way it is suppose to be in an applet form in the IDE but as soon as i import the project as a jar file from the eclipse IDE and try embedding it in a html page....only the initial state is reached (the hostaddress & name with search button) any later panels created after actionlistener doesn't show up on the page and one gets a feeling that the search button actually does nothing. Also do note the way i make jar file in eclipse:- file->export->JAR file->(select everything in the resources to export)+check export generated class files and res +check export java source files and res +<options> check compress the contents of the jar file
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