Struts have a good support and is powerfull, i use 1.2.9 (requeriment of Spring 2.0 RC2) and i am happy , work with 1.x have deprecated methods in comparation with 1.2.9 , for example ActionError(s).
there are a lot of framewroks and options, Struts is fairly a good choice
changing the point, i saw the documentation when i saw the reply from Merrill about Struts 2, so i have an obvious question
why struts 2 change the sintaxis of configuration?
http://cwiki.apache.org/WW/home.html what could be a good reason???

, it way kill the old way for programming?, i tried to mean, buy a new book o read again a new documentation??? :roll:
[ October 08, 2006: Message edited by: Manuel Jordan ]
[ October 08, 2006: Message edited by: Manuel Jordan ]