posted 13 years ago
Greetings Everyone !!
I am using struts2 with hibernate ,and its really cool to work with it. my app consist of a simple login page and after
logging in there are few links to render the data with respective actions.
When i log in
i click on a employeedetails link, a list of all the employes appears in "Display Table" with all css and other stuff.
there is a add button to add a new employee,i click it and it goes to addEmloyee.jsp ,that also works fine with all the css and images and sumits the employee details well ,after adding the employee i again came to employeedetails list with newly added employee.till here it just works great.
With respect to each employee there is an edit link in display table ,when i click that, a "editEmployee.jsp" gets appeared with all css and images and other stuff..and then i update it..and my actions takes to me to the same empoyeedetails page with the updated field. but this time css and images doesnt work
To update an employee i am using something like this
when i edit an employee and i send the employee id as parameters from here and then i recieve that parameter in my ActionClass
so everything working fine but after updating the emloyee my css doesnt work ,i am working with display tag first time and also have some doubts with ActionContext.
Please suggest me how can i make a good use of it.
Thanks in advance.