Here's the introduction :
Who is this guide for?
Who is this guide not for?
Setup local development environment – Pet Store Catalog
Cloud Computing Paradigm
Amazon EC2 cloud
Setup database on Amazon RDS
EC2 instance creation
Elastic Load Balancer
Glassfish Application server
Who is this guide for?
This guide is for experienced Java developers, architects and technical managers who wants to read practical hands-on guide to get practical and proven solution on Amazon EC2 cloud platform. This guide uses Java Pet store application as a sample application used to deploy on the Amazon EC2 cloud platform. The Java Pet store application is available for free download as part of Oracle Net Beans Java EE IDE.Because Pet store is a blue print example representing many aspects of a typical web application, it gives reader's first hand experience in deploying Java EE apps on Amazon AWS.
Who is this guide not for?
This guide is not for readers who want to learn about Java and Enterprise Java technologies. This guide expects readers to have a working experience with Java and Enterprise Java technologies and able to work with at least one RDBMS product. Also, this book expects readers to know basics of cloud computing.