I have an existing
struts application consisting of three
JSP pages say page1, page2 and page3 and a form bean (for all these pages) and
an action class(using DispatchAction).
I need to append two jsp pages one at the end and other at the begining. The flow will be
User can select either the old flow or new flow. when user select the new flow, inputs given in the newPage1 are used at the Page1, page2 and other pages.
I created a new form bean, Action class and value object for the new flow. I populated the VO with info in newPage1 and placed it in HttpSession. Page1, page2 and page3 uses the VO in Httpsession. The values selected in these pages are updated in VO. Finally, newPage2 uses the VO for further proceedings.
Is this the best way of doing this?
Is it a good idea to maintain objects across session?