Which plugin is it that you are using to generate the wsdl? (Oh, I see which plugin it is: cxf-java2ws-plugin) In the future, please post the full plugin description, not just the executions section.
Based on the behavior exhibited, I suspect that cxf-java2ws-plugin registered the wsdl as an artifact of the build and thus the install plugin copied it to the local repository. (Personally, I think that cxf-java2ws-plugin did this incorrectly and that it should have registered the wsdl with a classifier, but that is beside the point.)
You might have to look at the documentation for the plugin to see if you can specify a target directory and change that to place the wsdl into target/classes (in which case it will end up in WEB-INF/classes in the WAR) ) or target/${project.artifactId} to place it any where else in the WAR.
Looks luke you need to set <outputFile>.