Hello guys, i saw in most examples when work with
struts only, this
i must declare in the web.xml (for
tomcat) the follow taglibs
in for any
jsp file (with/out tiles) these lines
ok i undestood this and work and i dont have any problem
the doubt is the next, this behaviour is with struts-spring(i dont know if exist with struts only):
i can avoid the declaration in the web.xml of the tags <taglib>, but i must still have the folder path
/WEB-INF/tlds/*.tld in my application,i known that all the tld files are in the
so how change <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %> to make reference
to the struts-logic.tld file that is incorporate in the struts.jar and of course this should avoid the
folder and files in /WEB-INF/tlds/*.tld
thanks so much for advanced
Manuel Jordan