I have a simple screen doing an inputText which is mapped to a managed bean in session scope. when the screen is displayed I see the "get" method called but when I enter the data the "set" method is never fired. I have written
JSP 1.2 applications and I had a similar problem but that was fixed by adding the <a4j:form> tag into the xhtml. I tried adding <a4j:form> to the
JSF 2.0 page and I git an error that A4J didn't have a tag for form. In addition the <f:verbatim> is also not working which leads me to think many of the "core" JSF tags are not working.
The project is built on
JBoss 6.0 libraries with Richfaces 4.0. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I am hoping I have just made a simple mistake.
With this backing bean: