Kumar Sonu wrote:I am a Software engineer in India and I am into my 5Th year of professional career. I have worked with Java and J2EE technologies.
From a long time I have been craving for an overseas opportunity (by asking the organization where I had worked to send me abroad) but somehow lady luck does not smile upon me. I find it difficult to understand that it is all luck which brings this opportunity to individuals or is it some other skill which I don't possess. I have always strived to increase my technical knowledge by doing java certifications and self learning. Some people might argue here that I should have increased my business knowledge but again my job role did not allow me to learn about business/domain knowledge. Whatever business knowledge I learned, I forgot it in a hurry as I never got a chance to do work on my learnings.
Guys any suggestions on what I can do in the future to open some closed doors.![]()
As a note I work in Banking and Finance domain. And my prime job role is to develop banking web application projects (using Java).
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Paul Anilprem wrote: Remember, it is more beneficial for the company to have a skilled resource working offsite rather than onsite.
Parag Pathak wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote: Remember, it is more beneficial for the company to have a skilled resource working offsite rather than onsite.
This is true only for non IT MNCs not for Inidian IT companies.
If you manage your skilled resources this way I wonder how many skilled resources you will be able to retain. If you are managing B grade projects where you do not need highly skilled resources then you can let them go. But you are managing A grade project where you need skilled people then you will have to make tough choice. As far as the service companies you mentioned, they send lot of people onsite. Even small service companies send people onsite. Going onsite is motivation for people to work in Indian IT. If you take that out, it will be tough to retain. And sending onsite does not only benefit employee, it also help companies this is why they send onsite. If some company has this culture, I would say do not work there.
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Paul Anilprem wrote:
1. The article you have referred does not say anything about the point that I made. Yes, obviously, growth is hampered because of visa restrictions. That doesn't mean they are sending higher percentage of employees on site.
Paul Anilprem wrote:
2. I have been in this business for 10+ yrs and I have a fairly decent understanding of how this model worksDoing as much work off site as possible is the goal. On site stint is a carrot. Managing an employee using this carrot is the game! Yes, there are companies who engage in on-shore out-sourcing as well. You would be lucky to get into such a project while sitting off shore.
Parag Pathak wrote:
Paul Anilprem wrote:
1. The article you have referred does not say anything about the point that I made. Yes, obviously, growth is hampered because of visa restrictions. That doesn't mean they are sending higher percentage of employees on site.
The article which posted says it very clear what I wanted say. Never mindIf you search on google you will get more clear answer. I suspect you know it but you still want to say that these companies do not send people onsite. Well they do. Even small service companies send people onsite. Indian service companies are known for onsite opportunities. Even a tester who do manual testing and he/she can be easily replaced because manual testing is not rare skill also get onsite opportunities in service companies. .
Parag Pathak wrote:
In IMO when a skilled person leaves the company, finding a replacement for similar skill, training and bringing him on same level is more costly than sending that person onsite. And even if you do that, same thing can happen with new person as well. I am talking about A grade projects. If some company has a policy of not sending people onsite in order to save money, I wonder how they will compete with others who send onsite as far as war of talent is concerned. Or they do not need talent, they are okay with commodity developers. I don't understand.
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Parag Pathak wrote:
Even a tester who do manual testing and he/she can be easily replaced because manual testing is not rare skill also get onsite opportunities in service companies.
It's not luck. It is skill. You do not go for picnic onisite. You go for some purpose. You need that skill to achieve it. It is skill not luck.
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Paul Anilprem wrote:
You might want to read Fallacy #8 described at![]()
Parag Pathak wrote:
Take this out of your mind that people go onsite because of luck. They are sent because they are required to be sent (for any reason). They are sent may be for work which can not be done offsite. They are sent because they have been loyal to company and as a recognition of their contribution. They are sent because company do not want them to leave. Reason may be anything but it is not luck. When you start debating with finding contradiction etc, it is sign that probably you are not finding valid point.![]()
Everyone is not sent onsite at the same time. Do you thin anyone will expect send everyone onsite at the same time? I think no. Then what is difference between onsite and offsite development. They are sent in phases. Have you heard of job rotation? I am sure in your 10+ years of experience you might have come across it somewhere.
Yes it is more profitable for company that all the people work offsite. It is also more profitable for company that people start working for free. Yes that is also profitable. But one small question, is it practical? So it is not practical to expect everything will work the way company want it. People will leave you (in little better economy)
If I start replying on everything, it will be waste of time.
In short do you agree people are sent onsite in phases? I hope your answer is yes. If that is yes then I think you should also agree on OP has valid expectation after working for 5 years, he expect onsite opportunity. What is wrong in that?
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Mary Chellapa wrote:
PS: India is just as fabulous as anywhere ... may be better.
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:
Some people consider a person successful in IT industry, just by seeing how many times, (s)he have gone onsite and the salary they are getting. just getting more salary makes the person successful?
Prasad Krishnegowda wrote:
With Due respect and no intention to hurt anyone, why people expect and get desperate to go to onsite?
Satyaprakash Joshii wrote:Now from all the experience how can a person who has 3-4 years experience in java go abroad or as onsite..?
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