posted 13 years ago
Hibernate version 3.2
i have 3 tables and a single pojo is mapped with three in hbm.file with entity-name defined as ::
<class name="" table="TB_SOFT_INTRV_DETAILS" entity-name="softwareObject">
<class name="" table="TB_SOFT_INTRV_DETAILS" entity-name="bpoObject">
<class name="" table="TB_SOFT_INTRV_DETAILS" entity-name="othersObject">
How to fetch data from table based on entity-name as defined in hbm.file. I am using the following qury in DAO class:
recruitmentlist = session.createSQLQuery(" FROM NewCandidateRecruitmentDTO as e").addEntity("softwareObject", NewCandidateRecruitmentDTO.class).list();
Its throwing exception ::: org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: com.ebix.hrms.dto.CandidateRecruitmentDTO
help me out.....