I am using
struts & tiles framework for the project, The page structure follows the below structure:
1)After logingin the page displays tabs, going to the corresponding tabs (1st level menu) by clicking it will display the avaliable links as menus on top-left-corner (2nd level menus),
clicking on the link in (2nd level)menu's will take to the page say URI is "/action/module/page.do", as uri calls
: after the uri call it constructing required information in its action class, redirect to the main page say "/page.jsp" its form is in session, input is the page "/module/page.jsp"
2) This page which uses a tile, initializing the menus (in tiles-defs,it extends a layout tile) 1st & 2nd level in its inner
module tab..etc, for the page and then loads the outer jsp.
3) for this main (inner) jsp page uses another tile which displays a block of information on the page.
say : inner jsp page content...
<tiles:insert definition="showinformation">

ut name="info1" value="..."/>

ut name="info2" value="..."/>
<tiles:insert attribute="/PAGE.jsp"/> (this displays the outer jsp page content)
4) The above tiles definiton "show information" path in tiles-defs.xml is a URI "/tiles/showinformation.do?method=load" (uses dispatch action class)
this uri in struts-config.xml file is an action mapped to a form with few variables, scope in session,validation false
input attribute to the showinformation page "/show.jsp"
5) When clicking on the (2nd level navigation menu)link (getting back to step-1), this shows all the information what is desired, in the PAGE.jsp (inner.jsp display page content)
I am inserting another jsp say : "datajsp" in it, which shows few blocks of data,and a link to add another set of data.(this is done by adding another row in the list of form field in action class say "form field of type java.util.List".
This is done by updating the method name in the jsp page (in JavaScript) and submit it(this is onclick event of that link in sub jsp page) and in action class update the form field fo type list with another empty record which displays another set of empty info (need to be updated by the user).
query : here I observed 2 forms, 1 for the "show information in the inner.jsp" another for the main link "page.do i.e. pageform"
1) When i click on the link in the "datajsp", this page is redirected back to the same page showing empty data set of data(as desired) to be filledin by the user but shows "servletException" to display "show information" (step-4 tiles declared form+info display). I dont understand the reason as both of the forms are in session scope and the form(innser jsp "show information" form)exist in the session. The exception observed is "no bean specified".
How come it threw "ServletException : No Bean Specified" eventhough i have this form in the session (i tried printing the session variables and found it there).
can any one suggest me atleast the reason or is there anything to be known more in this scenario. The link in "datajsp" updates the form (main form Outerjsp: pageform) method variable to required action class method name and submits the form (/module/page.jsp page includes a page "datajsp", this "datajsp" page has a link and this submits the form of the including page(/page.jsp) form. IS there any chance of error...or something..
i would be pleased if anyone spares some time for this issue.