We would like to create web service and on step of decision which framework to use. If we consider about cross cutting tasks (like logging, authentication, error handling etc.), does axis2 brings more capabilities, features than jax-ws 2.0?
For example should I implement logging of each request by implementing a SOAPHandler? or is there already implemented mechanism for this?
I know it is a bit general question but I need expert comments / suggestions for decision.
JAX-WS and Axis2 don't compete; the former is the specification, while the latter is an implementation of the specification. There are other implementations of JAX-WS, like Metro.
Are you definitely set on using SOAP? RESTful services (as implemented by toolkits like Jersey) are becoming much more popular these days.
Thanks for reply. I meant using built in API of JavaSE 1.6 to create web service versus Axis2.
Is it possible to provide both SOAP and RESTFull service (on same url) with same server side implementation?
"In Axis2, by default, any given web service is exposed as both SOAP and REST.
The result is that as a service author, you do not need to do additional work.
However, it should be noted that for some services that are exposed using REST API will not work."
(Quotation from the book Packt's "Apache Axis2 Web Services" 2nd Edition)