Paul Clapham wrote:Well, first of all, there aren't any attributes in your document at all. You only have elements. It is quite unhelpful if you call things by the wrong name.
I not understand at all. attributes are in xml file that is expressed in Java as an "Element". Is that nor right?
As for the order you want things to be written in, I can't tell from that code why you want them in that order. Perhaps if you explained that to yourself you could then write code to do it.
I think this is very simple code to read the data from XML file and to present it in a order that we like. All the problem I am facing is related to loop that is inside EducationSplit as there may be many education records in a CV
As for your code, if I were asked to maintain it I would throw out all of that DOM navigation and replace it by a much simpler code which used an XPath expression to choose the nodes I wanted to get.
This is very new to me but I have downloaded its API and certainly will study.
Thanks for your reply