This is Ramky.can any one please help regrading my Question in my project we have Server called GTM-GatewayServer this was Developed using
Java Nio API we have so many Clients all Clients Apps Will connect to this server and they can send SMS to Mobile Users.
here is MyQuestion that if any Client connected to This NioServer we are storing the Socket Channel with Clinet ID in HashMap.
After a long time when the Server wants to send some data to the Client server will get the SocketChannel Obejct from HashMap
and it will try to Write Data on the Scoket Channel But its giving that Socket is Closed.is there any time out for Scoket or Scoket Channle?? (or)
will Scoket or Scoket Channel will Automatically Closed if i put Scoket Channel or Scoket Ideal for Long time???
Thanks in Advance,