Hi Ganesh / Akram,
I bought my assignment through Pearson Vue account and am planning to submit my assignment by this weekend as i have some final stuff to complete.
Is it possible to fix an appointment immediately after I uploaded the assignment? or do I need to wait for sometime?
As the dates are nearing for the Oct 1st deadline many would be queuing up to book a slot if it gets delayed after i uploaded the assignment it will be difficult for me to book for 3rd part before OCt 1st
Hi Subash,
As far as scheduling the essay, after assignment upload should not take long, I mean ideally you should be able to do it in a day or two.
For me, I was able to schedule, immediately after uploading the assingment ( in 10 minutes time), pearsonvue allowed to me to schedule part 3.
In my case, i bought part 2 before 31st May.
But nonethless, as long as you upload it through Pearsonvue you should be able schedule it in the same day after upload or the next day.
For uploading, may be someone similar to your case, may share their thoughts and help you.
I think, Akbar is similar to your case.
But my suggestion would be, dont risk yourself, there could be synchronization issues with upload status update after assignment upload etc..
Keep atleast a weeks time, after assignment upload, so you can mitigate any unforseen issues.
Sep 30th, hard stop... may be a full stop for your
JEE Architect aspiration, depends, if you are willing to take training course... dont let this impact you...