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html:select and html:options

Ranch Hand
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Hi everybody,
I am not able to solve my problem with the select tag.
I need to populate the select tag with the elements of a field in a table of my database.
Now,I am just developing a very simple application where I just want to show the result of the select tag.
So I wrote TestForm.java that is my ActionForm class like this:

class TestForm extends ActionForm
public String username;

public String getUsername() {
return username;

public void setUsername(String string) {

public TestForm() {
super(); }

public ActionMapping execute(....) {......}

The code of my Action class is:
class Test extends Action
private final static String SUCCESS="success";
private ArrayList users = new ArrayList();

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse resp)
throws Exception {
HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
users = getUsers();
if (users != null)
return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);

public ArrayList getUsers() {
String sql;
ArrayList test = new ArrayList();
try {
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DBname?user=username&password=password");
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(username) FROM table";
Prepared statement = con.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
return test;
<catch {.....}

In my struts-config.xml file I have this code:

<form-bean type="com.myapp.struts.TestForm" name="TestForm" />
<action type="com.myapp.struts.TestForm" path="/test" />

In the file index.jsp I use this code to use the <html:select> tag:

<logic:iterate id="test" collection="usersList" scope="session" type="com.myapp.struts.TestForm">
<html:select name="test" property="username" styleClass="dropdown">
<html ptions name="test" property=username">

when I run the application I get this error:

javax.servlet.ServletException:Cannot create iterator for this collection

How can I solve this problem?
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Hi Mattia,

Use following code in your JSP, this might help you:

<html:select name="addressForm" property="currentStateCode" size="1">
<logic:iterate id="user" name="usersList">
<html: options name="test" property="user.username">
Ranch Hand
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I think the code example by Ajay gets you a little closer, but I don't think it solves your issue. I suspect that the error is caused by your use of the html:options tag which is designed to render an collection of select options. If you are using the iterate tag, then I think you want to use hmtl:option (without the ending s). Or you can probably get rid of the iterate tag and use "usersList" for the name attribute on your html:options tag.

I have to admit that I almost always store such collections on the form and then use the html:optionsCollection tag. Here is an example:

- Brent
Mattia Merenda
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I already tried Brent's advice before without success.I also tried Ajay's advice and it still does not work:
In particular I wrote:

<html:select name="TestForm" property="username" size="1">
<logic:iterate id="user" collection="usersList">
<html ptions name="test" property="user.username" />

and I found the error:Cannot find bean under name TestForm.

So I added at the code before the <html:select> tag the following tag
<jsp:usebean id="test" scope="session" class="com.myapp.struts.TestForm">

but I get the same error.
I am getting crazy with this problem.It is really awful.
Any other advice?
Ranch Hand
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Remove the logic:iterate tag entirely from your JSP. The <html:options> tag already iterates over the list you give it. The following code should work:

For a detailed decription of how to use the <html:options> tag, see the "options" section in this link
[ December 21, 2006: Message edited by: Merrill Higginson ]
Mattia Merenda
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I solved this problem for this simple application.
I put the ArrayList method getUsers from the Action class into the ActionForm class.In the JSP I used the code of Merill with this change:
<html:select name="prova" property="username" styleClass="dropdown" size="1" >
<html ptions name="prova" property="users" />

I hope it will help anybody else.
Now I must use what I learnt in a bigger application.
So,Thanks everybody.

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