Thanks for your reply,
currently my application:
* has an instance of Log4J for writing log messages to a log file,
* the writing to the log file is quick because the logging file is on the same server
new implemenation:
* im going to change the logging merchanism to be sending HTTP requests to a server rather than writing to a log file
* if there is an issue with the server - then the sending of the HTTP request could take a long time and block the feedback to the user and will affect the user experience of the web application
so i'm thinking of batching the logs in groups of 100 and then sending the batch to the HTTP server without any affect to the user flow through the application
items that i'm looking at are:
* Spring Batch
* colllect the log messages in a java.util.ArrayList and then send the log content in a new Spring Task Executor in an aysnchronous mode
any ideas?