Jagdev Singh wrote:Hi Dennis can you please clear my following doubts.
Is one month time is sufficient for exam preparation.
Is the exam is more difficult then mocks.
How to get confidence about preparation of exam.
Thanks for quick responces.
I won't tell anyone that a month is not enough time, but I spent six months preparing for the exam. Of course, that was just evenings and weekends. I postponed my date twice because I did not feel ready. In retrospect, I probably over-prepared, but I was not confident at all.
I found the exam easier than the mocks. If you can manage to take the Oracle/Pearson practice test, it will help you a great deal. The questions are very close to what you will find on the real exam. Beyond that, the most similar I have seen in content and style are the questions in the K&B study guide. However, the K&B questions are a little more difficult. In general the exam questions are easier to read and understand quickly. But they are very close in structure and concept to the K&B study guide.
I made a bunch of flash
cards, but honestly I don't know if they helped me that much. I think the practice questions and the programs were the most useful. I recommend making your code extremely simple, and narrowly focused on a single concept. I hope you have kept track of the questions you are missing on the mock exams, and why.